Hello my dear cozynautes,
Last year, I wrote a small article on this forum called “Let’s speak about C to C?” .
This year, I would like to come back on the Open Letter I wrote to Mozilla (see previous post on this blog) after several disappointments I had on some recent decisions.
I’d like to add some comment on it that are specific to cozy (there will be some French in it, some answers that I receive that I’m lazy to translate). Some subject are strongly linked with Mozilla and some ideas are for cozy only.
I want to share this comment first, from a Mozilla’s dev :
“However, I still need to use Thunderbird because I can’t use cozy-email to re-read an email when I’m off-line. Can we imagine a kind of cache in Firefox and Colibri that we could dedicate to some pined website or webapp to solve that issue (keep inbox and archived email…)?” Ce genre de cache est en train d’être développé par tout les navigateurs modernes, et ça marche avec des Service Workers (script installé par une page web qui a le droit de mettre des choses en cache et de s’executer même offline pour faire fonctionner la page web). C’est la réponse du web au problème d’être hors ligne. Ce cache est local à un navigateur (pas synchronisé à d’autres devices), mais il est entièrement géré par l’application web, qui pourra maintenant fonctionner totalement hors ligne (Cozy Emails pourrait mettre en cache tout les emails par exemple)
I don’t have any comment on it. I just hope you are working on it 🙂
I think that’s a great news and not only for cozy-mail but for all apps. Could I keep in cache a playlist of cozy-music (not all my songs, just a selection, a playlist that I would update time to time)? The contact app needs some update such as “clickable” button (with API that can open an email app, a phoning app, a web browser for url, a calendar for birth date…). Could I create a contact offline and when I get Internet, it adds by itself?
With such possibilities, my B2G OS (the code name of the future of Firefox OS) could almost be called cozy OS 🙂
And don’t tell me that you focus on Android and iOS… because I have a good news (that you know already), webapps works also natively on Sailfish OS, WebOS, CyanogenMod, Tizen, to name a few others alternatives… and Android also! And I think I read somewhere that webapps could be ported without much difficulty to iOS, windows phone and Ubuntu Touch (I wonder if they won’t support them natively in a near future).
Oh, and whith such way of working, what the point of Sync? Just install cozy-webapps in all your devices or pin them in your web browser.
I really would love you to work with Mozilla to see how we could host all our (firefox) browsing information such as Firefox Sync and Accounts (bookmarks, pinned webpages and pinned apps, ids/passwords, history…). Of course if other web browser join later it’s good for everybody, but some are more friendly to work with than others…
I mention Hello in my letter, so if cozy-contact could take that in account. A Hello category that list all my contact that have a Hello account, I click on a contact, a Hello calling button appear and hop when I click on it, my WebRTC-supporting browser open to allow me video-call-chat with my contact. Awesome! Good-by Sky.e!
Of course I hope you’ll follow Mozilla’s job about connected device, because cozy-Konnectors and cozy-KYou are a winning couple on that matter I believe.
I come back on two subjects I mention last year : “Peer to peer, Cozy to Cozy? Does it sound realistic? (C to C is either for Cozy to Cozy or Cloud to Cloud as you wish)”
I read in the last newsletter that it’s coming… and I’m so enthusiastic about it. Starting with calendar sounds like a logical choice.
I think, it would be great that cozy-contact have an automatic category (same idea as for Hello) of our cozynaute’s contacts (with their cozy’s url).
Then in a near future we could have a peer to peer for files, photos, musics and so on… receive a notification when someone wants to share something. It sounds Great!
I’m sorry to speak again about it, but for the one who knows me, I can’t stop talking about the need of a social network on cozy! My dear newebe is missing… This social network doesn’t need to be more than a microblogging/news/journal/lifestream page, Like a river of contents.
The “social network” microbloging, could also be a place were are aggregated all comments made by our friend on what we publish from cozy.
Are comments not missing from cozy-photo, from cozy-blog…?
With the help of C to C system, we could share photos, music, informations linked to our microblogs. Well it will require groups of contact because we don’t want to share the same thing to everybody. I think newebe is a very good starting point for inspiration.
I’d like to share a comment from an other Mozilla’s dev about the marketplace I described :
“As B2G OS will no longer have a central Marketplace in future, the de-centralised Marketplace you describe is exactly what we need – perhaps the web itself. Progressive Web Apps can be discovered just by browsing and searching the web and don’t require a central app store. They can also work offline using Service Workers. If we want to add more privileged features to the web then we may well need a web of trust like you describe, the security team has some early ideas about how to sign web resources and ensure sub-resource integrity, without the use of packaged apps. Those signed resources will require a system of trust that isn’t limited to a single trusted entity.”
I won’t come back on my idea of marketplace. I hope you understood my idea and I’d be happy to know what you are thinking about it. What I found great is that, because is web based (of Trust), it doesn’t limit to one platform. Everyone (and for every platform) could use the same system. An app would appear as “Certified!” depending on your own Web of Trust, and if it’s compatible with your device/platform. And nobody needs to take responsibility for others. The user is responsible of his own Web of Trust.
Finally, I come back briefly on my free cryptomoney suggestion. How can we tolerate that our today world, I want to call it Internet world, is still led (and so, limited) by this very old monetary system (the debt monetary system is inherited from the printing invention, from the invention of cheque)?
Is money numeric today? Yes! well mostly, bills and coins represent a small percentage of money today.
Is money wired through Internet? Yes! Again, mostly, some transaction are still made from hand to hand with coins, but it’s getting rare…
Is it stock on safety-deposit box in banks? No, they are digit on bank’s computer?
So, do we need bank? Today, and till a near future, Yes!
Why? They are the only one to have the privilege to create money!
Why is that? Well, apparently 1789 didn’t abolished all privileged…
Could we do differently? Yes!
Why we didn’t do it before? Some (Thomas Pain) had the idea but they were lacking the main tool : Internet!
Who are the best to work on it? Bankers? I don’t think so… their way of thinking is centralised, we need people from Internet to think about exchange of value between peers!
Bitcoin exist already, isn’t it the solution? NO! Bitcoin is based on machine, we need a money based on human. I mean bitcoin was a good try to show that it’s possible to create cryptomoney, as a $ alternative, but it has a lot of default. It’s limited in time (maximum quantity) but the biggest problem is that “calculus”are equal in front of creation of money, not human. We need a monetary system were all money is created thanks to a basing income, a universal dividend.
Why the Free (as freedom) software devs, and free culture actors could not invent their own monetary system? Why we could not create a system that allow us to remunerate in our own money all contributors of the internet society (post web, free software and free culture society)?
Last question : where would be the best place to manage my universal dividend account? [Universal dividend means a money that is coming exclusively from basic income creation] Well, I guess, it would be in my personal cloud… in my cozy cloud! I have a good news, one of the solution is based on NodeJS, and someone is already working on a web based client.
Theoretical solution :
La Théorie Relative de la Monnaie The Relative Money Theory
Technical solutions :
I hope you enjoy my letter and my comments.
Thank you all for all your effort and contributions, you are doing a great, needed job!